$997.00 USD

The information contained within the Embodied You Program is not a substitute for medical advice. The information provided by Quinttusential Yoga, LLC does not constitute medical advice. Quinttusential Yoga, LLC does not diagnose or treat psychological or medical conditions and does not replace psychological or medical care. 

Any decisions you make, and the consequences thereof are your own. Under no circumstances can you hold Quinttusential Yoga, LLC liable for any actions that you take. You agree not to hold Quinttusential Yoga, LLC liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated with you, as a result of materials or techniques, or coaching, offered by Quinttusential Yoga, LLC.

Results are not guaranteed.

Quinttusential Yoga, LLC holds no responsibility for the actions, choices, or decisions taken or made by the client. Quinttusential Yoga, LLC accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any harm - real or imagined - from the use or dissemination of information contained here. 

If these terms are not agreeable, do not engage the services.

By engaging the services of the Embodied You Program and Quinttusential Yoga, LLC you have agreed to all terms and conditions.

Embodied You

Your Body has been WAITING for this. 

  • 10 live group meetings
  • 10 learning modules
  • 8 guided Meditations
  • 5 therapeutic Yoga classes
  • Guided Silent Retreat
  • Weekly journaling prompts, worksheets, informational videos
  • Unlimited access to materials
  • 10 weeks of unlimited access to your embodiment coach

"and i said to my body. softly. ‘i want to be your friend.’ it took a long breath. and replied ‘i have been waiting my whole life for this.’ - Nayyirah Waheed

What People Are Saying:

Sometimes I find myself stuck in brain and body patterns which may not be the most healthy for me. This program provided an interruption to routine behaviors and helped to shine an inner light on what is really going on and the choices I can make to get on a more productive path. Thank you Sarah!


This course with divine timing for me. I had been through a lot recently and I knew more big changes were coming. I needed some way to connect back to myself and Sarah provided the way through an evidence-based physical and emotional mindfulness practice. It's 10 weeks of guided, supported self-discovery and re-learning to trust the knowledge I already had within myself. Do not hesitate to take this course!


This program was so beneficial to me in a time where I felt like I was starting to find myself but was also feeling a little lost. Sarah provided guidance, tools, and resources that will help me make a lot of positive changes in my life. My mental health needed this!!


With Sarahs' effective facilitation, the group dynamic was safe, inviting and engaging from the beginning and I loved immersing into the daily practices through the 10 weeks. I intend to continue with these daily practices. This program taught me that I can effectively bring these moments into my life even in the middle of a full family, home and work life.
